Thursday, June 30, 2011

Meet My brother Ben.

 Ahh summer the time we have fun and go swimming when it get about 100 or higher. Tonight my brother was yelling "Were are my flip-flops!" Well tell me this face doesn't look like the yelling type. Well you tell me readers. Well he is great brother and he is in collage and he is interested in the medical field and he's probably the first person I know that actually followed his dreams and doing the thing that he said he will do and now he's actually almost done with school. Well maybe not done yet, but he will be done in some time in August. So that's not actually that far away from us. 

Well hope you enjoyed this post and I'll be sure to post more later. 

What happens at WalMart Stays There.

Well this video will explain everything and what I mean by what happens at Walmart stays at Walmart. All I can say we were CRAZY and we were having a surger rush! The reason why me and cousin Andrew probably had a surgar rush because he bought a whole pie at Villge Inn.  Well but we didn't finish the whole pie because the pie gets you full fast. But Hope you enjoy the video and see how crazy we are. 

Well Be Sure To Check Out Our YpuTube Video Called "Trolling In WalMart"

Mike (Left) Andrew (Right)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pools the cool and fancy

Hey everybody I know I haven't posted anything lately. Well I have been brain dead for a few days and well I found out when you do stuff it comes to like a surprise does its like oh whoa were did that come from.  Well I'm going to get on the title subject right now and talk about the crazy and exotic pools I have found for you and the blog post. 

Now I think this is nice and is this one in a back-yard?

Cool isn't I think that's a Spa at the top?.

Well I found those and I was cool,nice this would go great for my blog and bring a nice surprise for the readers and I think its cool that things like these are made. 

I going to talk about the pool on the left. It looks like a nice jungle pool with a small waterfall. Now the background of the picture gets me thinking is it a house in woods or some-were else?  All I can say is that's a nice pool and I love it,how about you?

The second pool the one on the right,now that one is cool because it's shaped like an Acoustic Guitar. From the looks of the building in the back it may be at a hotel,well tell me what you think in the comment sectaoin bellow the post.

Well that's about hope you enjoyed the post I'll be sure to post more soon.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bioshock Infinte

Yes the time us Bioshock fans have been waiting for a new Bioshock something to save us from the long wait. I don't know about all of the other fans but I was all over this when I heard about the new Biosohck. The new Bioshock is well full of life and its sorta hard to explain it all in one way or many ways just tot get it all out to you and its still a game that's still in work and so far it looks great it totaly beats the first two games that was made. All I can say is the city of Columbia is a floating city that is a sighn a America's succes as a nation. But there is alot of infomatoin about this game and from what I have seen it looks awsome!!! 
Well that's about it if you want to know more about Bioshock Infinte just click on the link bvelow. I will buy this game because Im a fan of the gameing serise.Hope you enjoyed this post and check out Bioshock Infinte. 


Oh just copy and paste the link

The First Bioshock
The Second Bioshock

Dream Homes Is This One Yours?

Dream houses do we all have a dream house? We all know mom has one and her house probably looks like this one.
Yeah this one has her name all over it

Dream homes  we all had ours, when we were young. But the moment came for us to find our dream house is when our parents went looking around for a new home. We were surprised about how they looked and we all had those moments but not all of the houses we look for may not look as cool as this one.... 

Just look at it isn't that awesome!!!!

I think I found my dream house. How about you is this your dream house if so just leave a comment in the comment section bellow and say if it is or not or if the the other house is your dream house. 
Well that's about it hope you enjoyed this post and enjoy.   

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Good Food Places Have Weird Names

This is a weird food place name. Don't let the name fool you, I know it sounds like they use alcohol or stuff you use in drinks. No its not like that its just frozen yogurt and with 16 good flavors,You have up to 75 different topping for your frozen yogurt.  

My second Oldest brother found this place. Well one of the owners or an employe went to his job and gave them a flyer and said we having free frozen yogurt and come and enjoy. But it was a limited time offer. Sadly the offer was only for today because they had a grand opening today at the new location. So if you want some good frozen yogurt here are some of there locations.

* 5870 W Thunderbird Rd, A3

* 475 East Bell Rd,Suite 170

 Well This is the end of my post hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to visit Yogurtini.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Crazy Party's Call for Crazy pics. and family

Well yes that's the man who came to the party. Who is he you probably ask  well for all I know his name is Cody. Its funny that he came it was a bit of a surprise for me and every one was like oh hey whats up. Me I was a bit surprised but a girl can have her ways. I'm sure all you girls can say yeah we do have our ways but who cares it didn't matter to us because the family  likes him so every-one gets along so it was a great party and that's what  matters at the end of the day.

Well hope you enjoy that post and have a good-day post more stories later. 

A new day means a new entry

A blog, is it a way to let our thoughts out? Or is it a way to let other people know what we think about our daily life and the small things we see or do? Well its a lot of things to us a life line, our best friend, Maybe a not so secret diary that we let out to other people. 

So this blog will be about me and the crazy things in my life and I hope you enjoy the little crazy things that I post.  

But this is my first blog well lets hope it gets better!