Friday, June 24, 2011

Bioshock Infinte

Yes the time us Bioshock fans have been waiting for a new Bioshock something to save us from the long wait. I don't know about all of the other fans but I was all over this when I heard about the new Biosohck. The new Bioshock is well full of life and its sorta hard to explain it all in one way or many ways just tot get it all out to you and its still a game that's still in work and so far it looks great it totaly beats the first two games that was made. All I can say is the city of Columbia is a floating city that is a sighn a America's succes as a nation. But there is alot of infomatoin about this game and from what I have seen it looks awsome!!! 
Well that's about it if you want to know more about Bioshock Infinte just click on the link bvelow. I will buy this game because Im a fan of the gameing serise.Hope you enjoyed this post and check out Bioshock Infinte. 


Oh just copy and paste the link

The First Bioshock
The Second Bioshock

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