Wednesday, July 6, 2011

F.E.A.R. 3

Well its time I get A new game and here is the heads up on what the game is. 

Yes I'm going to get this game!
Yes I'm serious! I know people are like OH THESE GAMES ARE SCARY! Well I'm going to say. 

To All of the people say the game is scary.
Yes I'm willing to play this game from start to end. So I'm really excited to say this and If its scary then I'm going to finally I found A good scary game and I enjoyed it! So I will be happy to play Live with everyone and if I get scared playing I'm going to Shake,Stop my heart and most of all Get A Heart-Attack. If I get one I will be surprised and say the show must go on. So I'm going to get it and play it and tell all of you How I enjoyed it. 

Good thing that actually doesn't happen to us that way.
               So that's about it A new comic will be up soon Enjoy.                                                                

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